Group Therapy

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What is Group Therapy?

Group therapy is different from individual therapy options as it relies on the power of a skilled, competent leader in combination with group cohesion to promote change. Most groups focus on specific mental health topics, have 5-15 members, and meet regularly. When everyone is working together, the support provided can be more significant than anything accomplished alone or by just two people.

By participating in a group, members begin to feel normalized in a community of people who “get it.” Group members also possess unique insights into techniques and coping mechanisms that may or may not have worked in the past, empowering other members to try these strategies as well.

Benefits of Group Therapy

With more people to provide support and hold one another accountable in group therapy, the likelihood of successful outcomes increases. Those reluctant to attend group therapy, particularly if they are more introverted or socially anxious, oftentimes find that group participation even leads toward improved social skills and interest.

Here are some of the more common advantages of group therapy:

  • Groups can act as a support network and a sounding board.
  • Other members of the group often help you come up with specific ideas for improving a difficult situation or life challenge, and hold you accountable along the way.
  • Regularly talking and listening to others helps you put your own problems into perspective.
  • It can be a relief to hear others discuss what they’re going through, and realize you’re not alone.
  • By seeing how other people tackle problems and make positive changes, you can discover a whole range of strategies for facing your own concerns.
Is Group Therapy Right For You?

There are many potential benefits to participating in group therapy, however group therapy isn’t necessarily right for everyone. In order to make the best decision regarding your treatment, there are a few things that are important to consider, like your ability to be open with people you don’t know as well, and the potential that you may need to try a few groups before finding the “right fit.” Also, if you’re in a crisis, individual therapy would be a better option.

Is Group Therapy Effective?

The American Psychological Association concluded that about 75% of people who enter psychotherapy demonstrate at least minimal improvement. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), National Institute of Health (NIH), National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), Mayo Clinic, Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA)—among others—have also concluded that group therapy has proven benefits as compared to not participating in treatment.

What is the cost?

Group therapy is not covered by most insurance companies. Each of our groups are private pay and range from $40-$60 a session. Please contact us if you have questions about the costs of services.

Group Therapy

Do you wish you had more of a sense of community in your life, instead of feeling alone?

If you answered “yes,” then group therapy could be the solution you’ve been seeking. 

Group therapy’s effectiveness lies in its ability to help you find connections with other people and their experiences. These therapist-guided sessions will help you learn more about yourself and how to improve the way you feel, while feeling support from others who understand your experience.

Available Groups

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